The more advanced a gymnast becomes; the more advanced the moves get. Because the basics form the cornerstone of a gymnast’s talents, they should never be disregarded. These are the first eleven moves a beginner gymnast should learn.

Returning to the fundamentals.

So, where do you begin?

Balance on one foot

Gymnasts should lift one leg off the floor (or beam) and hold it there for at least 5 seconds while standing up straight. For added difficulty, the gymnast’s leg can be bent or straightened and held in front of them. To aid balance, the gymnast’s arms might be raised straight above the head or horizontally.

Forward Roll

The beginning position is upright with the hands reaching for the ceiling. Gymnasts reach for the floor, tuck their chin, roll about on the floor, and then rise. Look at your belly button as you roll, having the upper back touch but not the head, and extending forward in a tuck position to finish.


Gymnasts should bend their knees and place their hands on the mat in a crouching stance, similar to a front roll. Making a triangle with three points of contact between the gymnast and the mat is the key to a tripod. The hands are the first two points of touch (creating the triangle’s base), and the head is the third point of contact (the top point of the triangle). The gymnast should place the top of their head on the mat and bring their knees to rest on their elbows as they lean forward from a crouched position with their hands on the surface. The gymnast should be able to balance for at least 3 seconds in this inverted position.


The bridge is formed starting on the back, with hands next to the head and fingertips pointing toward the toes. Gymnasts push with their arms and legs after bending their legs and placing their feet on the floor. They straighten their limbs and lift their heads off the ground.

Back Bend/Back Bend Kick Over

Standing with arms straight up by the head is the starting position. Gymnasts bend backward in a “U” shape till their hands touch the ground, looking at their hands. Once they’ve accomplished this, they can kick their legs over their heads and land in the lunge position on their feet.

Tuck Jump

When performing a tuck jump, gymnasts should stand up straight with their arms stretched above their heads. To generate power, they should bend their knees and bring their arms down to their sides before leaping up and bringing their arms back above their heads. Gymnasts should pull their knees up toward their chest and bring their hands down to meet their knees as they near the top of their jump, forming a tuck position in mid-air. They should extend their legs back down to catch the floor and absorb the pressure of their landing after achieving the tuck, letting their arms fall to their sides before extending them back above their heads.


This move begins with a tall stance with one foot in front of the other. When the torso is vertical and upside down, gymnasts reach for the earth by stretching their legs into the air and kissing their feet. They then take a step back and stand up.


This motion begins with one foot in front of the other in a lofty posture. Gymnasts extend down with their hands in a line with their front legs, side by side. They kick their back foot, then their front foot, over their heads. They fall in a lunge position, with the leg in front of them that is opposite the one they started with. Their base leg is straight, and their knee is bowed slightly behind the toes. Their ribs are in, and their chin is up.

Backward Roll

A tall posture is the starting point for this motion. Gymnasts then squat on their heels, sit on the mat, roll backward, push off the ground, and rise to their feet.

Straddle Sit

Gymnasts should sit with their feet out in front of them, straight on the floor. Gymnasts should bring their legs apart until they’ve reached a comfortable stretch, placing their hands on the floor to help them balance as they go. Toes should be pointed and legs should be flexed. Gymnasts’ knees should be pointing up, not rolled inward when completing a straddle sit. The chin should be elevated, and the arms should be extended and parallel to the knees.

Consecutive jumps

Gymnasts bend their knees and launch up into the air while standing straight on the floor or trampoline. They should be able to get back on their feet as quickly as possible. Gymnasts should be able to land and launch back into their next jump in short succession after performing 5-10 consecutive jumps with control.

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